Janice Kraft
/ Categories: Annoucements

March 23/24, 2024

Palm Sunday 

There will be no morning Mass on Tuesday March 26th.

St. Mary of the Rockies is looking for parishioners to volunteer to be a Lector at the Saturday evening Mass or the Sunday morning Mass.  Anyone can be a reader.  There is minimal training needed to proclaim God’s Word during Mass.  Schedules are created quarterly and in most instances readers will only need to read once a month.  It is at your discretion whether you prefer to read at Saturday or Sunday Mass.  Please contact the office for more information. 

We also need several volunteers for counting of the collection.  This requires 2 individuals to count the offertory monies, reconciling the cash and checks received.  A tally sheet is completed with necessary information for financial data entry purposes.  The counters meet at 9:00AM on Monday mornings in the church office unless it is a bank holiday.  If that occurs the counting is usually done on Tuesday that week.  The time commitment is about one hour.  There currently are 4 volunteers, 4 more are needed.  Call the office for more information. 

Previous Article March 16/17, 2024
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Liturgical Schedule

Daily Masses
Tuesday-Friday: 8:30AM


Weekend Masses
Saturday: 4:00PM
Sunday: 9:00AM



Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45PM
Thursday: 9:00 - 9:50 AM
and by appointment



Holy Days
9:00AM, 6:00PM



Holy Hour
Thursday: 9:00am-10:00am



8.30AM - Every Sunday before Mass


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