Janice Kraft
/ Categories: Annoucements

November 4/5, 2023

 Thiry-First Sunday In Ordinary Time

There are remembrance envelopes in the pews for your use to participate in the general Mass intentions for the faithful departed during the month of November.  Please write the names of those you wish to have remembered during Masses in 2024.  It is not necessary to make a financial donation, but, as always, it will be appreciated. 

Please place the envelope in the basket in front of the altar. 


St. Mary of the Rockies parish social hour will be next weekend directly after the Sunday Mass.  Join us for free breakfast goodies and conversation with your fellow church members.

Previous Article October 28/29, 2023
Next Article November 11/12, 2023
Liturgical Schedule

Daily Masses
Tuesday-Friday: 8:30AM


Weekend Masses
Saturday: 4:00PM
Sunday: 9:00AM



Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45PM
Thursday: 9:00 - 9:50 AM
and by appointment



Holy Days
9:00AM, 6:00PM



Holy Hour
Thursday: 9:00am-10:00am



8.30AM - Every Sunday before Mass


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