
June 15/16, 2024

Janice Kraft 0 37

Eleventh Sunday In Ordinary Time

Welcome to St. Mary of the Rockies.

We are looking for volunteers to help the Knights of Columbus with grounds maintenance for the church and rectory next Saturday, June 22nd, at 9:00AM.  Please bring any weed-wackers, tractors, lawn mowers, clippers, etc that you may have. 

Save the date – Sunday August 4th at 10:30AM will be the Parish Potluck Picnic.  We will also be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of St. Mary of the Rockies Church.  Bishop Golka will be attending to mark this special occasion. 

June 8/9, 2024

Janice Kraft 0 43

Tenth Sunday In Ordinary Time

Father Bogdan will be away through June 14th.  There will be no weekday morning Masses during this time.  Weekend Masses and Saturday confessions will be held as usual. 

St. Mary of the Rockies social hour will be Sunday right after the morning Mass.  Come join us for free breakfast goodies and some parish comradery.

Save the date – Sunday August 4th at 10:30AM will be the Parish Potluck Picnic.  We will also be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of St. Mary of the Rockies Church.  Bishop Golka will be attending to mark this special occasion. 

June 1/2, 2024

Janice Kraft 0 44

The Most Holy Body And Blood Of Christ

Welcome to St. Mary of the Rockies and welcome to all of our visitors.

Father Bogdan will be away through June 14th.  There will be no weekday morning Masses during this time.  Weekend Masses and Saturday confessions will be held as usual. 

St. Mary of the Rockies social hour will be next Sunday, June 9th right after the morning Mass.  Come join us for free breakfast goodies and some parish comradery.

May 25/26, 2024

Janice Kraft 0 44

The Most Holy Trinity

 A special welcome to Sister Mumni and Father Lawrence for Missionary Sunday. 

Rev. Fr. Lawrence Azure is a parish pastor and the Vicar General of the Diocese of Bolgatanga, Ghana, West Africa will be presiding at the Masses and will present the appeal on behalf of Sr. Stan.  A second collection will be taken in support of this missionary appeal. 

Father Bogdan will be away through June 14th.  There will be no weekday morning Masses during this time.  Weekend Masses and Saturday confessions will be held as usual. 

There will be no Saturday Rosary Devotion on June 1st.

May 18/19, 2024

Bogdan Siewiera 0 39

Pentecost Sunday

Welcome to St. Mary of the Rockies and a special welcome to all of our visitors.  
Father Bogdan will be away May 20th through June 14th.  There will be no weekday morning Masses during this time.  Weekend Masses and Saturday confessions will be held as usual.  
At next weekend’s Masses, May 25th and 26th we will be visted by missionary Sister Stan Terese Mario Mumni and Father Lawrence Azure for Missionary Sunday.  

Sister Stan Terese Mario Mumuni is the Congregational Leader of Marian Sisters of Eucharistic Love (MASAL) and founder of Nazareth Home for God's Children Orphanage in Ghana, West Africa. Their mission is to curtail the inhumane practices perpetuated on the alleged "Spirit Children" of Northern Ghana. She saves these children who are born with defects or whose parent/s have died and are labeled "evil". These children are condemned to death. Sister Stan took in the first children in 2009. Some of these older residents are approaching the age of 18 and by law cannot stay in the orphanage. Many of the children are severely mentally or physically disabled and cannot be without supervision to live on their own. MASAL has built the foundation and walls for a new home for these residents. She desperately needs your help to complete the roof and interior work to provide a safe home for these needy "forever" children. Please help.
* * *
Rev. Fr. Lawrence Azure is a parish pastor and the Vicar General of the Diocese of Bolgatanga, Ghana, West Africa will be presiding at the Masses and will present the appeal on behalf of Sr. Stan.  A second collection will be taken in support of this missionary appeal.  

Liturgical Schedule

Daily Masses
Tuesday-Friday: 8:30AM


Weekend Masses
Saturday: 4:00PM
Sunday: 9:00AM



Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45PM
Thursday: 9:00 - 9:50 AM
and by appointment



Holy Days
9:00AM, 6:00PM



Holy Hour
Thursday: 9:00am-10:00am



8.30AM - Every Sunday before Mass


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